Rock YOUR Vote!

Rock YOUR Vote!it’s already been four years since President Obama stepped into office and now we’re ready to raise our voices and elect/ re-elect the leader of our choice (well sorta) for the next four years.

now, my mama taught me to stay clear of water cooler discussions on politics and religion, so i WON’T be asking WHO you are voting for. the point is that we just want you to get out there and let your voice be heard!

and, that can’t happen if you’re not even registered to cast a ballot. so, before you start watching the debates that kick-off this week or sharing those hilarious (or offensive) YouTube vids about your candidate, make your voice count!

check out info below for how to register to vote in NY, MN and beyond.


Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by OCTOBER 12 and received by October 17.

When to Vote: The General Election takes place Tuesday, November 6. Polls are open 6am to 9pm

Where to Vote: Click here to find your NY polling location. Please note, districts have recently updated their boundaries AND voting locations. Make sure to double check where you are supposed to vote this year (and tell your grandparents, uncles and aunts, too). It would totally suck to go to the wrong location.

For more info, visit

Deadline:  Pre-register by OCTOBER 16 OR  register on Election Day at your polling place.
(Yeah, MN has it a LOT easier for folks to cast their votes.)

When to Vote: The General Election takes place Tuesday, November 6

Where to Vote: Click here to find your polling location.

For more inform, visit